Dear Researcher, welcome to the website of the Vice-rectorate for Research at the University of Cadiz. This space pretends to be a showcase in which the University of Cadiz’s research potential is presented through its institutes, centres and research groups.
The University, as indicated in its mission statement, is an institution “dedicated to the generation, diffusion and transfer of knowledge and culture as well as to comprehensive training…” in which the development of a quality research activity is of vital importance. This activity is essential in the updating of teaching staff and the contents that are transmitted, achieving an essential symbiosis between those who “research” and what is “taught”.
The Strategic Plan of the University of Cadiz defines two strategic objectives within the scope of Research and Transfer, focused on increasing productivity and quality of research at the University of Cadiz, as well as on stimulating scientific aggregations and their development in research networks. The work of the Vice-rectorate for Research, through its Directorate General for Research and its two Directorates of the Secretariat for Research Management and the Promotion of Research, is focused on the development of lines of action to achieve the proposed objectives.
In this website, you will be able to consult all the information related to the activities, calls for proposals and programmes to promote research carried out at the University of Cadiz. We hope it will be of interest to you.