Mass Spectrometry Division
Mass spectrometry is a microanalytical technique used to identify unknown compounds, quantify known compounds and elucidate the structure and chemical properties of molecules. It requires small sample quantities and is based on determining the molecular weight of analytes and obtaining information about their structure.
Lines of research
- Determination of molecular mass.
- Determination of molecular formula.
- Study of fragmentation (NIST database search only for electronic impact).
- Quantification.
- These studies can be carried out on pure compounds and on mixtures separable by gas chromatography (APGC interface, electronic impact/chemical ionisation without determination of molecular formula) or high performance liquid chromatography, also called UPLC (ESI and APCI interfaces). The current operating mass limit is around 4000 Da, depending on the technique. The detection limit is around 5 ppb, depending on the compound, instrument and sample.
- For compounds that are non-soluble and incompatible with gas chromatography or UPLC but are suitable for thermal volatilisation without degradation, we have an ASAP probe (APCI interface).
- Waters Synapt G2 QTOF (UPLC(ESI-APCI)/ GC(APGC)).
- Waters Xevo G2-S QTOF (UPLC(ESI-APCI)).
- Waters Xevo TQD (UPLC(ESI-APCI)/ GC(APGC)).
- Waters Quattro Micro GC (electronic impact / chemical ionisation).
11510, Campus de Puerto Real, Cádiz (Responsable división) ( Técnico división)