Solid sample preparation service for Optical and Electron Microscopy
- Materialographic preparation and examination for optical microscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM).
- Precision dissection of materials.
- Operations associated with preparation for Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM).
- Observation of materials with binocular loupes and optical microscopes and image acquisition.
- Measurement of thicknesses with micrometric precision apparatus.
- Mechanical milling of materials by means of automatic and semi-automatic systems.
- Cutting of 3mm diameter cylinders with ultrasonic cutter.
- Concave-convex milling of the center of 3 mm diameter cylinders.
- Final milling of materials to electron-transparency.
- Hydrocarbon reduction treatment in TEM microscopy sample holder (Plasma Cleaner).
- Coating operations using impregnation, evaporation and sputtering.
- Developing or digitizing TEM micrographs.
Lines of research
- Structural and chemical characterization of nanostructured materials using advanced Electron Microscopy techniques, in particular materials for Heterogeneous Catalysis.
- Development of nanomaterial characterization methodologies using Electron Microscopy.
- Atomic-scale characterization of functional nanoparticles.
- Engineering of GaAsSbN semiconductor alloys for applications in high performance photodetectors and solar cells.
- Characterization and assessment of semiconductor nanowires for micro-and opto-electronic applications using electron microscopy techniques.
- Multiple systems of thin layers and nanostructures based on the activity of binary (InN, AlN, GaN), ternary (InAlN, InGaN, algae) and quaternary (Inalgae) III-N nitrides for optoelectronics, power electronics and photovoltaic technology.
- Synthetic diamond for material engineering.
- Reinforced polymers for aeronautics.
- Nanoanalysis and nanoprocessing of materials: using electron nanoscopy and focused ion beams.
- Diamond thread cutter (Well Precision Model 3242).
- Ionic milling machine (Fischione 1050).
- Ionic milling machine (Fischione 1010).
- 2 ionic milling machines (PIPS 691 GATAN).
- Rotopol 35 (Struers) automatic grinding machine with articulated arm, Labopol 25 (Struers) grinding/polishing machine.
- Labopol-5 (Struers) polisher.
- Tenupol-5 (Struers) polisher.
- Minimet 1000 (Buehler) polisher.
- Plasma cleaner model 1020 (Fischione).
- Pump station to evacuate sample holder, model 9020 (Fischione).
- 2 Disc Grinders (623-GATAN).
- 2 Dimple Grinders (656-GATAN).
- Ultrasonic Cutter (601-GATAN).
- Disc Punch (659-GATAN).
- Trinocular Stereoscopic Microscope (SMZ745T-NIKON), High Resolution Sputter Coater (208HR-Cressington).
- Metallographic press (Citopress-1, Struers).
- Inverted metallographic microscope (MA-100- Nikon).
- Digital Camera (Infinity1-3C-Lumenera).
- DITABIS Scanner and set of 40 electronic plates.
- Accutom-5 (Struers) disc cutter.
- Ultramicrotome (Reihert-Jung).
Facultad de Ciencias
11510, Campus de Puerto Real, Cádiz (Responsable división) (Técnico división)